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Home Allergies

If you experience some of these symptoms at home, such as sneezing, a runny nose or itching, it is most likely an allergic reaction to a substance. This is due to the effect of Histamine. This chemical is released by our immune system to fight the allergen. It works by dilating the blood vessels and making them more permeable so that the immune cells can more easily get out of the bloodstream and into the tissues where they will attack the allergen. However, for the same reason, histamine also causes side effects such as those described above:

– Itching: Histamine can cause itching of the skin, eyes and nose.

– Swelling: Histamine can cause swelling of the skin, lips, tongue and throat, which can be dangerous if breathing becomes difficult.

– Urticaria: Histamine can cause high, red and hairy lumps called urticaria.

– Runny nose: Histamine can cause the production of excess mucus in the nose, leading to nasal drip and congestion.

– Sneezing: Histamine can cause irritation in the nostrils and cause sneezing.

These symptoms are usually controlled with antihistamines, medications available without a prescription that reduce these effects. It is always very important to see a doctor if symptoms persist or are severe.

However, it is advisable to reduce exposure to these allergens by ventilating or cleaning your home. A test to determine the origin of the allergy always helps to focus efforts on reducing the cause. Allergic origins, at least at home, can be traced to a number of culprits including:

– House dust mites: these microscopic insects thrive in warm and moist environments and are often found in bedding, upholstered furniture and carpets. The insects themselves do not cause allergies, but their excretions do.

– Animal dander: Proteins in the hair, skin and saliva of pets can cause allergic reactions

– Mold: The mold spores in humid areas of the home, such as bathrooms, kitchens and basements.

– Pollen: Pollen from trees, willows and weeds can enter the home through open doors and windows and cause allergic reactions to sensitive people, mostly respiratory problems, like asthma, itchiness in the eyes and runny nose.

– Cockroaches: Cockroach droppings, saliva and body parts can cause allergic reactions to some people.

– Chemical irritants: Household cleaners, fragrances and other chemicals can also be a cause of allergic reactions. Symptoms may include skin irritation, breathing difficulties and headaches.

To reduce exposure to these allergens, you need to keep your home clean and well ventilated, use air purifiers, wash bedding and towels regularly, and avoid products with fragrances or strong chemicals.

Currently, a new technology has appeared on the market that is disrupting the air purifier market. This innovation does not filter the air but actively neutralizes all these allergens with a natural reaction called Open-Air Factor. This oxidative reaction is harmless to humans and animals and is instead able to convert these organic substances into water vapor, oxygen or water-soluble carbonates. It is the same reaction happening naturally in the upper atmosphere.

PUROH is a compact and economical device that emerged from this technological innovation. PUROH replicates this natural reaction from a small cartridge of Hydrogen peroxide. It is installed in the living areas where the allergic person stays or where the above allergens are present. Electric consumption and noise are negligible, especially if they need to be turned on 24/7. This is a much significant advantage compared to traditional filters, but also because it is an active technology that acts on surfaces and does not require further manipulation to remove filters full of allergens. In the case of homes with pets, PUROH is particularly useful because this reaction is constantly actively purifying. All filters require some time to process all room air and may not achieve the required filtration performance whilst the cause remains, like the presence of the pet.

Amongst PUROH features, there is an air particle detector that measures formaldehydes and VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds), a very useful proxy for potential allergen presence.

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