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Production of Bakery and Pastry Products

Production of Bakery and Pastry Products

We understand that you are aware of the inherent risks in your industry and maintain appropriate prevention and hygiene measures. However, due to the nature of your industry, you are constantly exposed to the risk of inhaling suspended flours that can cause asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis or dermatitis. We have attached the risks and recommendations from the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work: Basequim.

Conventional filters are expensive, consume energy, and generate noise. They can hardly aspirate the microscopic particles in the local environment. However, PUROH definitively solves this problem with another approach: air and surface purification technology based on the generation of Free Air Factor with neutral hydroxyl OH radicals. This reaction has been known for some time as effective and natural since it occurs routinely in the upper layers of the atmosphere in a natural process called Advanced Oxidation. PUROH achieves the generation of these radicals with an effective and harmless chain reaction. Multiple clinical studies have been conducted to validate these results. It is based on a method similar to ionizers, but emits neutral radicals, thus avoiding the corrosion of metals and electronics produced by conventional ionizers. We have multiple scientific studies that can be found at this link, as well as a more detailed description of the products.

Puroh Cyclohnic offers aspiration and neutralization of COVs, as well as prevention of contamination by microorganisms. Precisely because of this effect, we should jointly analyze the best location of the machine to obtain its effects without interfering with the biochemical actions of the yeasts and enzymes. The technology is certified as a Medical Device by the FDA and the EU. Check its specifications or contact us for a more detailed explanation of its advantages.


Related Products: Puroh Room, Puroh Cyclohnic, K7 OH

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