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Homes with Elderly People

Homes with Elderly People

Maintaining clean and healthy air is essential for the health of older people, who are more susceptible to respiratory problems and infections. PUROH offers an effective solution that improves air quality in homes with older adults.

Elderly people can be more vulnerable to illnesses due to their weakened immune systems. Air pollutants can worsen their health situation. A group of scientists researched how to protect this group and found the solution in nature. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, a reaction generates the so-called “natural detergent.” This Advanced Oxidation process cleans pollutants through a reactive process powered by sunlight, oxygen, and water vapor.

PUROH is an innovative product that replicates this process using advanced technology to eliminate harmful chemicals, pollutants, and pathogens from the air. PUROH produces an effective and natural chain reaction that breaks down chemical compounds and kills pathogens in the air, rendering them harmless.

The PUROH system is natural and active. It’s like ventilating without the discomfort of temperature, noise, or pollution. Additionally, it acts on surfaces and creates a reactive protection barrier around you.

PUROH is not a conventional filter because these need to pass the air through a duct, which generates noise and consumption. Moreover, filters don’t act on surfaces where pathogens can remain for a long time and are ineffective when people are moving around, like family members, assistants, or visitors.

PUROH offers numerous benefits for homes with older adults:

  • Protection against infections: Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated total effectiveness in eliminating viruses, bacteria, and fungi within PUROH’s range of action.
  • Improved air quality: PUROH removes harmful chemicals and invisible pollutants, which can improve respiratory health and reduce the risk of developing respiratory problems and contagious diseases.
  • Greater comfort: PUROH is economical, small, portable with a car adapter, noiseless, and consumes very little.
  • Enhanced well-being: Clean and healthy air can improve the well-being of older adults and enhance their overall quality of life.


PUROH is a game-changer in the world of air purification and offers numerous benefits for homes with older adults. With this device, older people can enjoy clean and healthy air, which can improve their respiratory health, reduce the risk of contagious diseases, enhance their well-being, and improve their overall quality of life.

If you’re concerned about the health and well-being of your elderly loved ones, the PUROH air purifier is an essential product for your home.


Related Products: Puroh Room, Puroh Lift, Puroh Wellis

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