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Pet Products

Pet Products

In your pet store, hygiene and prevention of contagion is difficult due to the frequent entry of pet owners with their animals. As you know, there is no zero risk in your activity despite hygiene and disinfection protocols. A conventional HEPA filter consumes energy, takes up space, and makes noise. But above all, its capacity is ineffective in an environment with constant rotation of people and animals, and it does not act on surfaces. Chemical disinfection methods or ozonation must be carried out without the presence of humans or animals and may leave toxic residues.

PUROH is an innovative technology for air and surface disinfection and contagion prevention through the Free-Air Factor with neutral radicals. The PUROH Free-Air Factor with neutral radicals has a special efficacy with volatile organic compounds, neutralizing contaminants, odors, allergens, and particles. It is a very affordable technology for the benefits it offers, with special application in your sector. This air and surface disinfection technology is an innovation because it is the most economical, effective, and harmless. It is the most effective and harmless because it occurs naturally in the upper layers of the atmosphere in a process called Advanced Oxidation. In reality, this system replicates the natural disinfection of air. It’s like having the classroom windows always open to the outdoors.

With PUROH, we have managed to control the generation of these radicals through a chain reaction from peroxide. Pet stores are one of the main beneficiaries of this technology because it protects against zoonoses, pathogens of animal origin, allergies, etc. Incorporating this technology has benefits for the safety of your center, employees, and customers, as well as labor benefits due to lower absenteeism, risk prevention, and improved image, which you can communicate with our materials.

We also offer you the possibility of incorporating this product into your catalog, as it solves the frequent problems of allergies or odors that pets can generate in homes. Additionally, being portable, it can be installed in the car to prevent odors when transporting pets.


Related Products: Puroh Room, Puroh Lift, Puroh Wellis, K7 OH

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