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Copy Shops

Copy Shops

The photocopying or reprographics sector is exposed to higher occupational hazards due to the presence of chemicals in its activity: exposure to harmful or toxic radiations (toner, ozone, and other aggressive products). Styrene, in high concentrations, is irritating to the skin and ocular and respiratory mucous membranes.

Among the harmful effects produced by working with photocopiers, we find:

  • The ozone produced by these machines is an oxidizing source that causes a series of physiological disorders in the respiratory system.
  • They can cause conditions ranging from headaches to serious illnesses to chemical sensitivity.
  • The emissions produced by the machines are also absorbed by newspapers, books, and upholstery, which act as secondary sources of pollution when the machines are not in operation.


PUROH guarantees the elimination of these harmful substances through the emission of the Air-Libre Factor, which mineralizes these Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in four phases and converts them into harmless waste such as oxygen, water, or soluble carbonates.

Likewise, it eliminates the pathogens that are characteristic of public contagions such as viruses or bacteria for your protection and that of your clients. The device is small, not noisy, and its energy consumption is negligible.

PUROH’s air purification technology is based on the generation of neutral OH radicals. It is the most effective and natural since it is produced routinely in the upper layers of the atmosphere in the natural process called Advanced Oxidation. PUROH controls the generation of these radicals with an effective and harmless chain reaction. Unlike conventional ionizers, it does not damage the electronics by oxidation since it emits a neutral reaction that does not cause corrosion.

Incorporating this technology has benefits for your safety, risk prevention for employees and clients, and also an economic benefit for your business: it reduces odors caused by volatile compounds through the same process, enhancing the business image. You can advertise a space free of pathogens, and your clients will notice the immediate improvement of the environment, such as fresh and natural air. If desired, we can provide merchandising materials that communicate these benefits to the public.

If interested, we can arrange a visit to your establishment to carry out a series of accredited measurements of toxic particles and VOCs, before and after using PUROH.


Related Products: Puroh Room, Puroh Lift, Puroh Wellis, K7 OH

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