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Hospitals and Healthcare centers

Hospitals and Healthcare centers

Nosocomial infection prevention in hospitals and healthcare centers has always been a focus of attention in the healthcare sector. Chemical disinfection or ozonification, while effective, carry other risks of toxicity and cannot be performed with human presence. Conventional HEPA filters are unable to eliminate contagion risks in an environment with frequent medical attention and continuous movement of patients. The volume of air and the speed at which it would need to be filtered would require very large, expensive, and noisy machines.

However, PUROH definitively solves this problem with another approach: air and surface purification technology based on the generation of the Free Air Factor with neutral hydroxyl OH radicals.

With a range of devices for any surface, PUROH continuously emits a disinfectant radical reaction, eliminating the most common nosocomial pathogens in medical environments: viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

This reaction has long been known to be effective and natural, as it occurs regularly in the upper layers of the atmosphere in a natural process called Advanced Oxidation. PUROH achieves the generation of these radicals with an effective and harmless chain reaction. Multiple clinical studies support these results. PUROH does not affect any clinical product or instrument, despite oxidizing pathogens, as it is based on neutral radicals, unlike conventional ionizers.

The technology is FDA and EU Medical Device certified. Healthcare centers are one of the primary beneficiaries of this technology.

If desired, contact us and we will make our laboratory available to determine the optimal risk reduction solution, analyzing critical points (waiting rooms, ICU), air flows, etc., and provide a cost estimate.


Related Products: Puroh Room, Puroh Lift, Puroh Wellis, K7 OH

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