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Animal Feed, Pellet Factories

Animal Feed, Pellet Factories

Manufacturers of animal feed or pellets are subject to a series of specific prevention and protection regulations regarding chemical agents, risks related to exposure to carcinogenic agents during work, and risks associated with explosive atmospheres.

What is the origin of the risk in the process of animal feed production?

In the process of manufacturing compound feeds, exposure to dust occurs practically in all phases, with the following “critical points” being noteworthy:

  • Direct unloading of bulk raw materials from trucks to hoppers for subsequent distribution to silos.
  • Tasks with different equipment such as pelletizers, mixers, or mills. The most unfavorable exposure occurs during cleaning and maintenance tasks of said equipment, which involves their opening.
  • Weighing of additives during the preparation of premixes, which will later be added to the raw material in the mixer.
  • Sampling.
  • Bagging of finished product.
  • Storage of raw materials and finished product.
  • General cleaning of facilities.


The exposure limit values are:

  • Daily exposure for cereal dust – 4mg/m3
  • Inhalable fraction (mass fraction of the aerosol) – 10 mg/m3
  • Respirable fraction (mass fraction that penetrates the respiratory tract) – 3 mg /m3


In addition to the preventive measures detailed in the regulations, and particularly in the case of exposure to dust, an innovative solution has been added to individual respiratory protective equipment for the elimination of this aerosol.

This technological innovation is marketed under the brand name PUROH, and is based on the generation of Open-Air Factor by hydroxyl radicals OH. It is a chain reaction that captures suspended particles and Volatile Organic Compounds and transforms them into harmless by-products such as oxygen, water, and soluble carbonates.

There are multiple scientific studies and industrial tests carried out in various industries of different sizes with aerosol problems.

Depending on the dimensions, a variable number of devices are installed, especially at critical points, depending on the airflow and origin of the aerosols. Contact us for timely advice and to perform measurements of PMs and COVs and analysis of air volumes in order to design the optimal installation.


Related Products: Puroh Room, Puroh Cyclohnic, K7 OH (Rooms and offices)

Ley 31/1995, de prevención de riesgos laborales, tiene por objeto promover la seguridad y la salud de los trabajadores mediante la aplicación de medidas y el desarrollo de las actividades necesarias para la prevención de riesgos derivados del trabajo

Real Decreto 374/2001, de 6 de abril, sobre la protección de la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores contra los riesgos relacionados con los agentes químicos durante el trabajo.

Real Decreto 665/1997, de 12 de mayo, sobre la protección de los trabajadores contra los riesgos relacionados con la exposición a agentes cancerígenos durante el trabajo y su modificación posterior, esta es, Real Decreto 349/2003.

Real Decreto 681/2003, de 12 de junio, sobre la protección de la salud y la seguridad de los trabajadores expuestos a los riesgos derivados de atmósferas explosivas en el lugar de trabajo.



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