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What advantages does PUROH offer to healthcare institutions?

Preventing nosocomial infections in hospitals and health centers has always been a focus in the healthcare sector. Disinfection by chemical means or ozone, despite being effective, carries other risks of toxicity and cannot be done with human presence. Conventional HEPA filters are unable to eliminate the risks of infection in an environment with frequent patient interactions and continuous patient movement. The volume of air and the speed at which it would be necessary to filter would require very large, expensive, and noisy machines.

PUROH definitively solves this problem with another approach: air and surface purification technology based on the generation of the Free-Air Factor with neutral hydroxyl OH radicals.

With a range of devices for any surface, PUROH emits a continuous radical disinfecting reaction and achieves the elimination of the most common nosocomial pathogens in healthcare environments: viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

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