Allergy specialists face various allergic reactions from a multitude of patients. Apart from trying to treat the body’s reaction with the therapeutic arsenal available today, once the origin or cause has been identified, a basic recommendation is to try to avoid contact with the allergen(s). But clear etiology is not always available, or the patient may find it difficult to avoid exposure to that allergen (cases where there is a pet at home, dust mites or mold in the air conditioning, etc.)
A good practice is to try to eliminate most of these from the allergy sufferer’s environment, such as vacuuming the home or workplace, ventilating or using air filters, reviewing and renewing air conditioning filters or ventilation ducts, and using products without volatile organic compounds. These good practices can be very tiring and reach a certain threshold of protection. In addition, they are not always effective since sometimes the origin of the allergen cannot be avoided or is unknown (components in cleaning products, cosmetics, domestic dust composition, etc.)
However, PUROH definitively solves this problem with another approach: the air and surface purification technology based on the generation of the Open-Air Factor ROH that effectively and naturally eliminates any allergen.